Lyla Martin - Counsellor & Discipler
I accepted Jesus as a young girl during summer Bible School. For years I tried to live the Christian life, but I had no mentoring or discipleship to show me how. I struggled through my school years, a bad marriage and several relationships, looking for love and acceptance. I finally decided to trust God’s leading and stop my unsuccessful attempts at coping without Him. Soon thereafter, He led me to a Christian man, and we were married.
Not long after that, we were introduced to the Exchanged Life Ministries through Con and Leona Peters. They taught me about my identity in Christ and the Holy Spirit revealed His truths to me, and how great His love is. I realized that I came into this world as a little child with many needs, grew and became educated; capable of navigating this world on my own, by using my flesh patterns. But then, as I grew spiritually, I realized, that I was still just like a child. I needed love, acceptance, security and to be valued. Through Exchanged Life Ministries, I learned that only God can meet those needs. He loves me, accepts me just as I am. He gives me worth, and security. I have learned that I can trust Him to take care of me. Because of this, I am able to surrender to Him and to allow Him to live His life through me. This teaching was so amazing for me, that after prayer, I decided to continue learning and take the Advanced Life Discipleship Part 2 training. This has led me to the privilege of discipling others. Through this experience, I have been blessed to watch the blossoming of their faith and freedom as they discover their identity in Christ and God’s love for them. |